Miller Carbon, Rm 7115 PNW AudioFest June 2023

Okay I have to stop by !!


Showing 3 responses by jetter

@nonoise  Thanks for explaining this for these newer members.  I wrote virtually the same explanation and then thought what's the use and deleted it.

 Toss in accusations of certain members (including myself) of plotting to have his medical certification revoked 

To be clear, he was apparently certified to be an X-ray technician.  I was also one of those accused of being part of this plot.


The above post by whoever this person thinks he is and what he thinks he knows is what I expected and why I deleted my original discussion before posting it.  There seems to be a proliferation of these hit and run posters particularly regarding discussions pertaining to MC.


Member for a month and he’s bringing up geoffkait?


Good catch!!  Wondering who he/she really is.