Miles Davis-Bitches Brew-, 360 sound vs. Mosaic LP

Did anyone compare the original 2 eye 360 sound LP to the Mosaic reissue.What is the major difference? I know that the recording has been remixed and remastered.To the better or to the worse? Or just different? Another question: is original UK better than original American.I really like this album and want the very best edition.
360 the time of these original pressings,columbia's u.s. pressings where among the best in the world, and there were still many,many great pressing plants..the mosaic is good, but only good..
Inna: Hopefully you will get a cogent answer from someone who HAS heard both recordings/pressings. I don't know this one but all the Mosaics I have are primo.
By all means and one of them is collector's vain tells me how tasty is fresh and not aged original tape placed on first-pressing vinyl that already have an excellent quality. The characterized soft non-edgy highs of early 70-s with a-little of studio tape "air" that what will you probably miss on the re-issue. Moreover these audiophile-grade re-issues are definitely used by digital mixers and equalizers before it comes to the vinyl let's even say of a better pressing quality.

I have US version that I already characterized the sound. Never had been interested in other pressings than original.