Metronome any Good?

I have been doing some research on these and they seem like a pretty good buy. Roughly 2k for the cd2v tubed cd player with 192 sampling!

Question is, how does this player stack up against say the Cary 306/200 or the EMC1? It seems that this might be one of the best "SLEEPER BUYS" out there.

Any thoughts on this one? thanks

Oh yeah, I am considering replacing my Meridian 500/Monarchy 18B separates with a one box. Can anyone suggest if the metronome will give me much better sound? Any other suggestions? I am looking for a warm/rich cd player. thanks again
I demoed this player at a dealer set-up with an Krell amp(#?)& ARC pre-ampRef. thru Wilson puppys.I didn't like the sound at all. It sounded just o.k. ,not a real involving player for me.The build quality of the tray is rather flimsy for the price with no balanced outputs.
You can do better for less the price.
I have right now a Cary 308T CDP with two 12AU7s tubes output)which is a brand new CDP that I traded for a 306/200. I still let it brake in and everyday I hear the sound is getting better and better. The 308T sounds more analog than 306/200 with extended soudstage, detailed, smooth and musical. It costs half of 306 retail price and heavy about 35 lbs.
Hey Platsolos,

I've had the CD2V Signiture in my system for about 6 months and I find it quite satisfying. It is very smooth and throws a deep soundstage. I've heard the Cary, although for a short listen, and I was not pleased with the sound. Of course I heard it at a dealer and that could be why it did not sound that interesting to me. The first time I heard the Metronome was at a shop and I new right away this was the cdp for me.......John
It is a very good player,on par with the Cary 306/200, EMC-1 and Audio Aero. As this is a fashion industry you are correct in your analysis that the Metronome is not currently the "soup de jour".
The CD-2V demo is ours - it is the Signature version FYI. It has the updated 24/192 DAC and tube output stage. OBM, full warranty, etc.
Platsolos, I have heard the Metronome CD-2V in a full VAC tube system. It is smooth and has a very deep soundstage. I highly recommend it. I think there is one here on Audiogon for around 2200, so you should be able to get it for ~2000. I was actually going to buy the one that sold 2 weeks ago for $1650 but I missed it by 3 hours!!! Make sure you get a recent Signature model with the updated tubed output stage. I am receiving the Cary 303/200 this week so I will let you know how they compare.