mcontrol: change in behavior?

I use mcontrol app on my android phone to stream from TIdal to my Ayre EX-8.

If I start playing an album and then put my phone in airplane mode, streaming stops when the currently playing song ends.  IOW, it seems like my phone is telling the EX-8 which track to play one track at a time.

I'm pretty sure this is not how it was before: once I started playback, my phone was not involved unless I wanted to change what was playing.

Anyone have any insights into what is happening here and if that has been the normal behavior for mcontrol?


Airplane mode cuts your internet connection which stops play. No internet connection no music same with my QX5 Twenty when I loose connection it stops play when the current song ends .

Its always been that way with my Arye and MConnect

Thanks!  I guess I thought this was new because:

1. Recently the mcontrol app has been consuming a lot of battery on my phone

2. When my phone receives a notification, it actually pauses the music for a moment on my Ayre


So at least some behavior change and not for the better :-(