McIntosh vs. Vincent

I’m in the market for an integrated hybrid amp. I’m trying to decide between the new McIntosh MA252 and the Vincent SV-237MK. Price difference aside, any thoughts on how these two amps compare to each other?
I just bought my 237, but I've noticed that the sound going through the optical input is good, but not great - presumably because of the cheap DAC. That's disappointing, but as you noted one can reconnect to the analog inputs and look at getting a better DAC. 
How is the DAC in the 237? The 237 is on my list, but Ive read that it uses a DAC from 2012. I prefer a one box solution, but could add cheap DAC if really necessary.
Thanks, buds, and everyone else who chimed in on this. Your input has ben really helpful and it sounds like there is an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm about the Vincent. You've helped me make my decision.
Another vote for the SV-237MK. Purchased mine about two weeks ago, and I couldn't be happier with it. AND, they're on sale now @ $2400. Loved it out of the box, but since it's had about ten hours on it, it is only getting better. (I found myself checking to see if the loudness button was pushed because the bass was so strong.) To use Kalali's analogy; It's like my Yamaha FZ1, very smooth and sophisticated while riding at a moderate level, but can compete with the fastest sport bikes when I want it to! If you decide on the Vincent, you will not be dissapointed.
I've owned the Vincent-237 for almost a year. It's a great hybrid integrated amp like others here have stated. No direct comparison to the McIntosh gear but factor in the cost and it becomes an even better bargain.
The Unison Reserach gear is famous for superb circuit design, Italian craftsmenship, and outstanding sonics.

I have heard a lot about Unison and everybody praised the sound. I have no knowledge of circuit design, but I believe your praise 100%. However, "Italian craftmenship" makes me a bit concerned. I read it as "superb circuit design, not-that-well-put-together, and outstanding sonics." How well is it built? Does it have a chance to last? I am not trying to inflame anybody's passions, just to find out if it would be worth considering Unison amplifiers as I do not like changing things too often or having to repair them.

I can’t comment on those two specific models so take this for whatever it’s worth. I have a McIntosh MC2200 and a Vincent SP-331 and I move them around between the two systems and I find their sound signature to be very different, even in the same system. The MC2200 has a more evenly balanced sound with nothing jumping out. Its sort of like my touring bike, designed for an all day comfortable ride. The Vincent is more like my other sport/touring bike where you feel the road more, including the bumps and you sort of need to stretch during the more frequent gas stops 😁 They are both very musical but respond differently to different speakers so ymmv.
I've owned a Vincent SV-236 before, and I do agree Vincent is a far better sounding amp than McIntosh.  Vincent over McIntosh for me at any day.
Thanks for the reply audiotroy. Any particular Unison model that may be in the same bracket as the Vincent SV-237MK?

Thanks for your input as well, chrshanl37. Very helpful.

The Mcintosh MA 252 is an okay sounding fantastic looking intergrated amp, one of our dealer friends sell it, the Vincent is a German designed/Chinese amp that kicks like a mule with a great tight bottom end, we used to sell the Vincent and were very impressed by their gear, it is a bit less warm then the Mc but I think you would find the Vincent to be far better in most regards.

You should look at a Unison Reserach product they will easily beat the Mcintosh and the Vincent gear. The Unison Reserach gear is famous for superb circuit design, Italian craftsmenship, and outstanding sonics. 

Unison has been making outstanding hybrid tube/solid state gear for years. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ