Mcintosh mx136 vs Mcintosh Mx150

Did someone had experience with both of those preamps?
Which one has better sound?
Right now im running an older MX-120 in 2 channel paired with Mcintosh XRT-28 speakers and the sound is not lacking in any area,the MX compares very well against my C-2200 and C-2500 which are both tube models and an MX-19 that was such a low price i just had to buy it , im new to Mcintosh pre pros for theater but have ran them for years as 2 channel units & found them to sound great all the way back to the C-39 .
I've found that my MX 136 has an excellent phono section which produces a deep and wide sound stage. Low level detail ( room ambience) is clearly reproduced and the soundstage is both wide and deep. I do use the pure stereo mode and find that this preamp is sonically very neutral and very quiet. I do not route video through my MX 136 as the HDMI circuits are Version1 and do not handle audio. 
Thank you. From i know the true analog sound lot better compare with digital sound, to my opinion.

I am not a 100% sure, but I believe the MX136 was that last Pre-pro to have a true analog in analog out circuit path. My understanding is the MX150 runs everything thru the digital processing to the outputs. I guess the thought is to have all signals available to process for room correction. You might give McIntosh or the guys at Audio Classics a call to confirm.
i had owned a number of Pre-pros from C39 thru MX135, then changed over to a D2v Anthem Statement. I miss the analog pass thru for the 6 Channel. 
As far as making comparisons, I have heard and watched both 136 & 150 but not in a manner to make comparisons. One thing to be concerned with as the MX136 is pretty old in "digital years" so the HDMI , MAY NOT have what you need if intermixing today's video products, but I don't know on that.
Is what i belive but i need more toughs from other people too before to get a Mx150.

  I've owned an MX 134 for about 12 years now, and have loved every minute of it.  I'm curious too if the newer models sound that much better.  I demoed the MX 121 and 160 in Magnolia Best buy, but they were just playing movies.  The dialogue was very clear, but not that much better/different than what I have.   I'm sure Room Perfect/audessey could help with bass, but the mids/highs, just didn't floor me with better sound as I was hoping.    I think it's a testament to how good the 10 to 15 year old Mac stuff sounds.   I really didn't hear anything better that would make me want to spend $4,000+  to get a 121, or 6,000+ to get a 150/151.   Keep in mind I'm 80% music/20% movies, and really don't care about surround sound.