McIntosh MT-10 Turntable -- thoughts/expectations

Well, looks like McIntosh will be shipping their first attempt at a turntable -- after 50+ years in the business -- guess, better late than never. Yep, comes with a big blue meter, no less, as a speed indicator (33, 45 or 78). Of course, a big blue meter wasn't enough -- the massive platter glows too. Understand everything was inhouse (cartridge too???). Includes a composite arm with external p/s and a .05mV MC cartridge. Tracking force, anti-skate and cartridge position are factory set. Understand price is in the $8K range. Not much on McIntosh web site yet -- has me intrigued. Any thoughts or expectations -- or did anyone hear it at CEDIA??

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I spoke with a my dealer that saw it at CEDIA. He is a turntable specialist, in that he seems to know more about TT's than anyone I have met in all my years of this hobby.
He had nothing good to say about it, which I take with a grain or two of salt as he is always bashing my McIntosh equipment. Not that he thinks it is bad equipment it is just that he wants to sell me more of his stuff. Now with the preface out of the way, he say the arm looked really like an old design concept and the rest of the table looked as if it was "McIntosh overbuilt" without regard to the actual playback requirements of a TT in this price range. His opinion not mine. I would still want to hear it. Although I doubt very much I would buy it. I think McIntosh has developed some great Pre-Amps and Amps and a few CD players but that is where I look at other brands.
All just MHO