Mcintosh mc451 mono - anybody use this new dual amplifier?

I like idea about biamping speakers with tubes going to mid/ tweeters and solid-state going to bass drivers. It requires you to adjust the gain and crossovers to each speaker which doesn't seem so bad.

Basically it's a Macintosh 600 watt mono and a  2301 300 W tube amp combined under one roof and brought together by an internal crossover/gain device.

Has anyone had any experience with this new amp? 



That would probably be great!   The 1.2Ks even better since the 3500s put out a lot more than 350 watts.  

Exactly.  There is no substitute for American horsepower!  That being said, I am selling my MC3500s.  Great amps, but I am downsizing and don’t have the room for separates anymore.  

Any of you Mac owners ever try the Mc611's to compare? I've heard folk suggest that without a dedicated 20 amp outlet a pair of mc611's will make no more power than a single mc462? 


I own a 611 pair and the need for dedicated outlet is not true. The actual power of these amps use is less than 100 W. A shared 15 amp circuit would work as long as it's not too crowded. Your hairdryer uses a lot more than this amplifier