Mcintosh MC275 alternatives?

Hello All, I'm considering this unit, not being too familiar with the current crop of tube amps in market at the moment, can anybody recommend alternatives I should be looking at?


Criteria as follows

-North American / European / Japanese made,

-50 watts minimum

-el34 or kt 88





Showing 1 response by wrm57

Were I in the market for a stereo tube amp made in the USA with more than 50 watts, the Zesto Bia 200 would be my first stop. To my ears, the KT150 tube is far better than the KT88; but if you're into the latter, this amp will take it, with a handy dial control for adjusting bias between tube types. It is more than twice the price of the Mac 275, however. The Bia 120 would also fit your bill, and you could find it used at a good price, but it does not take KT150. Both are pure class A.