McIntosh MA6900 & MC202

Hi, i have the following eq. Marantz SR4300 AV Amp with KEF Code 10 & Philips DVD player. Movie is okay but when listen to music, .......sounds aweful.

I have 2 amp in mind, the MA6900 (pre& power) or 202 power AMP, both amp has almost identicla feature (power AMP only). Just wonder would that make significant diff when listen to music (mainly Jazz, vocal & some electronic, pop), with absence of those high-quality RCA and speaker cable. I also have a JBL sub-woofer.

Any comments on the 6900 or 202? If I want to re-use my AV amp, can I do that with 6900?

Any comments would be much appreciated.

best regards,
What did you end up getting? I like the sound of the integrated so much that I sold my MC500 and returned to the MA-6900 integrated amp. It is terrific, IMHO.
Hi Vikv,

Would u pls send me an email to (since my account is not yet processed here) stating the selling prices, it's condition and reason for sell?

Btw, I live outside US so shipping cost may be a concerns.

Thanks very much.
Best regards,
You can use the power section of the 6900 but then you would be wasting the money spent for an integrated by not using th built in preamp. If you want to keep the AV amp as a preamp purchase the MC-202 (which I have for sale, email me for details). This will be the cheapest method and leave you open for future upgrades and allow you the benfits of separates (better power supplies, isolation etc).
You could also use the 6900 with the AV amp as I believe it has a HT pass through. Though I would check with mac about this.
9email if you are intereste din the amp, I will be putting it up on audiogon later in the week)