McIntosh MA5200 hum

Hi, I bought a three month old Mc MA5200 from a reputable dealer. Brought it home plugged it in and immediately heard a hum. Not through speakers but from amp. Tried plugging it in everywhere in house, same result. No hum comes through speakers but can here hum from amp between songs from 10 ft away. Took back to dealer next day, plugged into his wall direct, no hum. Brought it home and same hum produced. I have lots of other amps and made sure that none of them are humming. Very perplexed. Does this amp not like my AC? I do not use a power conditioner. Any thoughts on what to do next would be appreciated. I could probably live with hum but why should I? Worried that amp might need repair. But again no hum at all at dealer. Thanks for your thoughts. 

Showing 2 responses by twoleftears

Almost all transformers hum a very little.  Many are pretty much inaudible.  Some are not.  Broadly speaking, transformers in tube amps hum more than in SS (there are exceptions).  Most guides will tell you that amp transformer hum is one thing, and hum through speakers another.  No guides tell you how to eliminate hum when there's some hum in both (as other users here on 'gon have individually reported).  If you're lucky, one of the standard remedies will work.  Otherwise, just return it.  It may be unfortunate synergy between your AC and the component, or the transformer in your unit may have been manufactured on a Friday afternoon.  After exploring this quite extensively, I don't believe that there's a power conditioner/regenerator/isolation transformer out there that will predictably remove all hum from all transformers.  Sometimes they will work, sometimes not.  The fact that there's no hum at the dealer's definitely suggests your AC, but if you've worked through the checklist, save yourself the hair-tearing and return it.  BTW, Ayre amps are particularly quiet.
This will work if there is actually a fixable problem with the Mc.  Experience tells me that there are some transformers when fed with certain AC supplies will hum, regardless of whether the transformers are entirely within spec.  Same experience also tells me that there isn't a power conditioner out there that will transform the AC enough not to produce that hum, if it's somehow inherent.  So worth a try, but be prepared for a negative outcome.