McIntosh Labs delivery issues

Can anyone provide an update on what to expect when placing an order for Mac's MC611 mono-block amps? I read last year on this forum they were backordered and running 6 months to a year for expected delivery. 


Showing 1 response by audioman58

Why even buy McIntosh ?

ther meters and looks by far the best thing about them .

whe the owners btw were true Audiophile sold out to a foreign company they started taking shortcuts in build quality internally .i know 1st hand  for I sold MC for several years . It is still very respectable but sonically there is much better sounding gear for the same price point . For Example Pass Labs comes to mind, or Ayre,

Coda,Or Boulder, Gryphon, Naim,or Luxman just for example ,McIntosh does look nice and pretty dependable .my point is why wait ?