McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Are you still here you little SPLAT!!

laoman you and your opinion are like "SWAT SPLAT" mosquitoes. WORTHLESS!
You’d buy from America if you were allowed to. Personally I wouldn’t sell to you, but I would SWAT SPLAT, take a shower and wash you down the DRAIN.

Mad itty bitty man.. Swat spat! SWAT SPLAT! PEST

You may leave now.. Your ignorance is not appreciated nor are you. You're Excused!

Rolex's are worth every penny and almost always go up in value over time, so way better than Mac

I’ve owned a bunch of McIntosh SS gear, and really love the look and feel of them. Just something special about them. Feels damn nice to come home to your Mac, after a long day at the office. But, soundwise … hell… I just don’t know… Honestly, Mac don’t sound very good compared to much other gear I’ve owned. They’re not really best at anything, but ok at most things. I found myself liking pre autoformer Mac’s the best. Latest (and last, I think) i bought was the MA6600. Even my cheapo Zell ZD-200 mk2 soundwise beat the hell out of that one, in every way… But still, every time I see an add for a Mac, I still feel the urge to buy:) 


Before I bought my MA6600, I had a Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated, a Classe’ CAP150 integrated and a Parasound Halo integrated. The MA6600 is 100% better sounding than any of the other 3 integrated amps I had previously. I bought mine used from Audio Classics at $3200. I see one sold recently for $5400. I lost money on the other 3 integrateds I had previously. The MA6600 is a keeper. I forgot I also had a Yaquin integrated, but that caught fire within a few days of ownership and it was purchased brand new. Threw it in the trash. 

Yeah, also I had the CAP150 and Halo. More than ok amps, for sure. What I’m starting to really understand, after years, is that taste in audio varies to a degree that makes it more or less worthless to argue about what equipment sounds good, or not. It’s like arguing about if an amp looks good or not. It’s all about preferences. Some people actually like a sound that I find bland or even right out bad. It’s still Hard for me to understand, but it seems to be real.