Mcintosh customer support

Requested Firmware update from Mcintosh for my ageing but still good sounding D150 Dac Mcintosh customer support virtually refused to supply Firmware v 1.02 with me . their answer was,,

( Unfortunately, company policy prohibits me from sending out firmware updates. We used to distribute them openly but they ended up on forums and were installed into incorrect units causing a massive influx in service repairs. At that point the company instituted the policy to no longer distribute them.)

it is so sad that Audio Giant like McIntosh do not care about their customers.


Dear all, many thanks for your opinions and your comments perhaps I  couldn't explain myself properly, initially contacted Mcintosh dealer they said they do not have firmware update v1.02 they advised me to contact Mcintosh directly in sincerity they also warn me that their customer support slow but surely they would help you however reception I've received from them as explained before disappointed as mentioned by hgeifman (they should have make update process bullet proof) . also I'm aware that firmware upgrade does not have impact on sound but I  believe it is essential (A Firmware update improves the functionality and features of your device. It can provide fixes to any performance issues that may occur. With the ever-changing advances in technology, a firmware update also helps a device remain competitive with newer models)

once again many thanks for your suggestions really appreciated .




I often think about firmware updates, but never get around to it.  Kinda figure, right or wrong, since the equipment is hooked up to the Ethernet that it would update itself.  A couple of times when I checked the status of my McIntosh gear it said it was up to date.  Not sure if that is right or wrong but works for me.  

To the point, I always get great customer service when I call Mac. Each person on the other end of the phone has a unique personality, but they all get the job done. Sometimes stoically but hey, we all have our moods, right.  Never been not directed in the right direction.  Ron Cornelius was awesome. He kept threatening to retire.  I never email.  Always call so the Q&A on both sides is efficient.  

Send it in and have them update it for you if the update is something that you want to have done.

They are not the only ones doing this.  My BelCanto streamer is 4 yrs old and one year ago it stopped playing 24/192 files.  So my answer from them was that I had to send it in and they would update it.  It has a service USB but nope.