McIntosh Amp/Pre for B&W 802D3

Happy New Year!

I need advice in powering my speakers. I would like to purchase either MC611, MC462, or the MA12000 integrated for my speakers. If I go the separate route, I would like the preamp to possibly be the C2700 (or any high quality tube preamp complimenting the Mac). I'm trying to weigh the advantages of each combination. MA 12000 is the most economical alternative followed by the MC462 combination. To those who have experience, what is the perceived improvement when moving up the line (10%, 20%, etc.)? Basically, I don't want to purchase an MA12000 and then wish 3 months later that I should have bought the MC611. Additionally, the biggest choice I am wrestling with is whether a small perceived improvement justifies a greater expense. 

My sound preferences are warmth and bass. I do not get offended if the system is not as precise. I figure a good tube preamp will warm things up a bit. 

I did hear these speakers with the new Classe Delta stereo/preamp combination. Sounded wonderful but retail is $4K greater than MC462/C2700 and almost equal to a MC611/C2700 combination. The Delta monoblocks are out of the question because of budget.

I am open to any suggestions. Even combinations that you have had experience with that are non McIntosh!

Thanks for the insight!

Showing 1 response by russ69

I sold my MC402 amp. I never really warmed up to it. I much prefer my Parasound A21. If you want an all Mac system, that's fine and they will last a lifetime but I didn't get the sound I wanted from mine.