McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1

Has anyone tried any of the big Mac amps with Magnepan 20.1? I'm in the search for an amp. I'm considering:

Krell 400/450
McIntosh 501/602
Rowland 302
H2O Signature Mono

I'm running an Audio Aero CD player so no preamp is involved. I have heard to bypass the H20 and Rowland since I don't have a preamp but I haven't had a chance to try it in my setup.

I have heard the 3.6's with the McIntosh 501's...sounded very good, relaxed, smooth, deep natural bass, and airy highs. Didn't sound like it was breaking a sweat even at higher SPL's. I wasn't able to compare the 501's directly to my Parasound JC1's, but I suspect they would hold there own. For myself, I'm quite happy with the JC1's driving the Magnepan 3.6' amp you may also want to consider for the 20.1's IMHO.

Good luck!
Have you considered the MC2102 100 watt tube amp? I've heard this with the 1.6, 3.6, and 20.1. It's a fantastic combo. Also, the MA2275 integrated is another nice tube option from Mac. Maggies just love the tubes!
MC2102 on a 20.1? I dont think that would be a good idea, my 3.6's clipped my 1201's! As for the 2275 I dont think it could properly drive a 1.6 or higher...maybe the MMG or 12's.
Clipping point has a lot to do with room size. If your room is large, that last 3dB of volume can eat up a lot of Watts - even 1200! Arthur