I am using a Denon DL-S1 on my VPI Scout. The output is 0.15mv and they recommend a load of 100 ohms. But at that load I find the sound a bit thin, so I tried it at 1K ohms and 47K ohms. It does sound louder with the 47K ohms setting, but the 1K ohms setting suites me better. I was told that it would be noisy at the higher load, but I was not able to detect any hissing or noise while I play some records. At one point I turned up the volume without a record playing and I heard a lot of noise at about 90% of the volume setting. It turned out that the TT ground and Phono amp ground wire was causing most of that noise. I am using a Modwright tube phono stage, my amps and pre amps are tube, except my McIntosh MC402 amp that I am using in a bi-amp configuration to drive the woofers in the Legacy Audio Focus 20/20. I was also using a Dynavector 20XH and that is much louder than the Denon. Now I listen with the volume set at about 20 to 25% and that enough form my room and I don't hear any noise or hissing. Now I am considering a Dynavector 20XL, used if I can find one. To see my System: go to the system tab and Type "mando system" on audiogon.
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