MC cartridge loading: still baffled

I am using a low output moving coil cartridge- a retipped Linn Troika.  Recommended loading is 100-200 ohms which I have always followed.  My phono pre is an Ayre P-5xe and set to the highest gain.  Years ago, Michael at Ayre said most moving coil cartridges sounded best when loaded at 47k ohm using their phono pre.  I just got around to trying this setting and it does sound more open and better to me.  Lately, I am discovering that much of the dogma that I have been following isn't necessarily correct, at least with my system and to my ears.  Another example I found recently is that my arm/cartridge performs just fine with very little anti-skate force as opposed to just picking a setting equal to VTF as universally suggested.

Back to the loading question:  is the proper loading more a function of the phono pre or the cartridge itself?

Showing 4 responses by jc4659

I should also add that I do not see any deflection of the cantilever when the arm is lowered into a groove.  However, the cantilever is not very compliant so this may be a factor.  I am comfortable using real music as a test and listening for possible break up if the antiskate setting needs to be adjusted higher.  I acknowledge the possibility that I might be wearing the stylus or inner groove unevenly.
@mijostyn thanks for the reply!

Concerning the anti-skate setting, using music as my test (not a test record), I get no right channel distortion even with the anti skate turned off!  Turntable is absolutely level.  Using the run-out  area test, sure, the arm skates when lowered into this area but tracks fine when allowed to enter the run-out groove at the end of a record.  I finally settled on an anti-skate setting ~ 0.5 just to have some counter force but using test records with atypical modulations might be overkill.  If I hear any break up coming from the right channel (outer groove wall distortion then I will adjust it higher but for now, I am quite content using this lower setting.
@atmasphere  thank you for (repeating) your thorough explanation!  

Thanks to all for your input as well!

@millercarbon always disheartening to realize you've got a loose screw!  ;)  I'm going to try the center image test on some recordings that I know to have a dead center vocal image.  I am also OCD about speaker positioning.