Mc 452 or MC 302

 I have recently went to the local Best Buy and listened to the MC 452, through a pair of Martin Logan speakers, I believe they were Expressions. Although the sound was very clear, it just seemed loud and not Mcintosh like. 
 See, I am thinking of buying a Mcintosh amplifier. I currently have a pair of Martin Logan Theos. I have them connected to an MC 7205 that is part of a 7.1 system. Marantz AV8802a. But now I am getting into listening to more music and like to listen through 2 channel stereo. What happens is that sometimes I notice the clipping light come on, on the 7205 and it is really not that loud. Knowing the Theos can draw some power from the amp, I thought that perhaps a larger amp would help this. So I am hung up between the MC-452 and the MC-302.
 So, do you think maybe the MC-302 might be enough? I will never need 450 watts, after all the room is 15' wide 22' long and only a 7' ceiling, it is in the basement. Any thought's would be appreciated. There is also quite a bit of price difference between these 2 amps.

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