Maybe this is the winter you build something!

Hey it's me. Just reminding you to please consider building something this winter.  From a new power cable to speakers, maybe new acoustic panels you DIY or even speakers or a sweet preamp kit.

You'll have a lot of fun, and learn a ton.

It's weird to me that when I suggest Audiophiles might enjoy building stuff themselves I get flack.  "I don't like that! Stop promoting DIY! It will never be as good!"

Whatever. I think building is fun and educational. 


Showing 5 responses by erik_squires


We are going to have to draw the line somewhere or before you know it this thread will be filled with home brewers, exotic bread bakers and arguments about tomato sandwiches.

Groundbreaking, absolutely stunning perspective which could revolutionize our lives, @kenjit.  Why don't you take whatever point you are trying to make, if any, and start a brand new thread on it? I'm sure you'll get plenty of support that way.


This depends.  There are like $30 kits on Amazon that provide high fun / dollar, For something more advanced, look around for Elekit kits.

OK, I take it back a little. I do wish every audiophile would build at least 1 thing in their lifetime. :) I think it would be cool.  Like, trying shrimp at least once. :)

Promoting DIY is great, but please try to understand that some people (me being one of them!) just do not like DIY/building things and that does not make us wrong, just different. What's right for one person is not necessarily right for everybody.


I've never not understood this. I just want MORE audiophiles to build, but that doesn't mean EVERY audiophile should build.  The only time I take a really strong opinion on this is to those who think NO audiophile should build. 

The more builders, the more knowledge, and the more fun I think. :)