Mastersound Tube amp

Trying to swap 845 tubes on Mastersound 845 Compact amp but having difficulty removing the 845 tube. I don't want to use excessive force just in case there is a specific way of doing it. 
Does anyone know exactly how to do this? The manual is completely useless here. Does it need to be turned in a particular direction before pulling out? 

I tried contacting the distributor but have not heard back yet. 
Grasp the base with one hand and gently wiggle back and forth while pulling upward. No different than removing any octal power tube.
The 845 in the Mastersound move sideways! You have to look inside and see the stripe and where the notches that are on the tubes line up, and GENTLY move them SIDEWAYS!!!! (NOT back and forth by any means!!!) till the notch reaches the hole on the tube socket....
I forgot whether it clockwise or counter clock wise... I used to own the EVO 845 and have swapped tubes quite often.... You have to be very careful with those sockets...
kot, is it sideways or counter clockwise ? I’m confused. Look inside where and which stripes ? Do you mean look inside a tube ? There is nowhere else you can look inside. Please elaborate 
You simply turn it COUNTERCLOCKWISE and turn it about a 1/4 turn and it will release. Do not wiggle and pull as mentioned above.
It doesn’t turn counterclockwise, at all. I’ve been getting many responses and they all contradict each other. Please respond if you own the amp. 
When I first got my 845 amp, (cheap Chinese I have to admit), I had installed some tubes in it and listened for awhile. I decided to try some different tubes in it, and one of the 845 tubes would not come out, nor would it rotate in either direction.

I took a good hard look at the tube and socket, figured out the alignment pin in the side of the tube had been knocked out of place. I used a very thin metal screw driver, and managed to drive it in far enough to create clearance for the pin to come loose, then turn the tube counter-clockwise, and remove the tube.

The tube socket got bent out of shape a bit, but I was able to straighten it out ok, and all is well. I suspect you are having a similar problem.

Hope this helps, and you manage to retrieve your tube.

I got it to work. Seems the standard 845 tube comes out by turning counterclockwise 1/4 turn. Replacing it is opposite, 1/4 clockwise turn. People who suggested wiggling it side to side and back for froth have clearly never handled 845 tube. I think it’s irresponsible to comment and give a wrong advice when you never handled this type of equipment. I nearly broke my amp listening to some people here with over 2000 posts. 
Do not wiggle! You must turn the tube counter and then lift the tube out. Roberjerman once again demonstrates the pitfalls of not knowing what he doesnt know. It is completely irresponsible, but all too common on any audio forum. I owned an older Mastersound 845 as well as 300B and 32B integrated amps from this company.