Master clock cables and SQ

Is there any difference in SQ between 50 ohm and 75 ohm cables when using a master clock that can be configured for either impedance? I am thinking specifically of the SOtM sCLK-OCX10 master clock. Good 50 ohm cables are very expensive and few are made. Good 75 ohm cables are made by every decent manufacturer and at a variety of price points. But is there a difference in SQ? Thanks!
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Showing 2 responses by kingbarbuda

Right. But assuming you have a choice of outputs on the clock and you get cables with matching impedance, is 50 ohms and better than 75 ohms or vice versa? Thanks. 
Right. But I will clarify and sharpen the question further:

Two different master clock - clock cable - streamer systems. (Think SOtM master clock and SOtM sms200ultra Neo). All equipment is the same. All cables are from the same manufacturer, the same termination and the same length. All impendances from the in and out connections and cables match. 

The *only* difference is in the first system, all the impendances are 50 ohms. In the second system all the impendances are 75 ohms. 

Question: which system sounds better? The first system (all 50 ohms)? The second system (all 75 ohms)? Is there no difference between the two? Why? 

Why am I asking this question? Because 50 ohm systems are a pain, because there is limited availability of good 50 ohm master clock cables at a reasonable cost. However, good 75 ohm digital cables are plentiful with many choices and price points. Yes. All impendances in the system connections and cable must match. The entire question for me is there any reason to have a 50 ohm system if you can have a 75 ohm system?

I hope that helps. Thanks everyone.