Martin Logan Ethos - comments

I just received my new Ethos pair today and began listening right away. I was a bit nervous about making this change having listened to my Odysseys for so many years (14?). As it turns out, they sound just as good in every way, possibly Stronger in the upper mid frequencies. I am surprised that their bass capability is just as good AND it can be adjusted, something that if the Odysseys had, I might not have looked into replacing them.

My writing this is a bit premature from the standpoint of any kind of review and I will try to do a more comprehensive job in a couple of weeks after some breaking in but I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone looking into possibly trying electrostats or considering moving to one of the newer ML models, listen to these first. Although I've owned the SL3's, CLS2's, Prodigys, etc. and found them all to be wonderful I find these in no way whatever disappointing and they will probably be my forever speakers.

Showing 1 response by tomcy6

I'm looking forward to hearing your comments Broadstone. The Ethos are very good speakers and ML did some nice work on their electronics in the bass enclosure to get really nice bass out of the small enclosure. Did you compare the Ethos to the Montis by chance?