Marigo Audiolabs VTS Tuning Dots?????

Has anyone ever tried the VTS Dots resonance control devices made by Marigo? They come in a wide range of sizes designed to tame resonance in everything from windows to speaker cabinets to the chips in CD players. I'm especially interested in the window application as I've a 2 door glass slider making the majority of my left listening room wall! I hope they actually work!? Also, if anyone has been brave enough to risk warranty DQ and put them inside a digital front end I'd love to know the results. Thanks for the feedback, Dave ...Go PATS!!!
I see that there are different color turning dots. What color do you use for headphones and power cord plugs. What about interconnects?
I’ve used VTS tuning Dots for vacuum tubes (bottom center), windows, walls, printed circuit boards, chassis cases, power cord plugs, TV Back Panel, woofer frame, CD player tray and headphones.
I’ve used Marigo CD stabilizers for many years. Each time I utilize them in my system, I have never been disappointed with the improvements their technology has added to my system.
i guess you could say I have been totally satisfied with the quality they brought to my system.
My only problem has been that I was satisfied with the upgraded sound until I tried the latest product Marigo was marketing. There lies ‘the rub’. Marigo’s latest offering to improve disc stabilization technology improved the sound in my system in so many ways, I had to add it to my system so I could replay my CD collection and be able to hear the many nuances of tones and  frequencies I had been missing.
But that’s nothing new in Audio. The “tweeters” who have sensitive hearing, work with products to improve them for Audiophiles who also have sensitive hearing. 
But tweeting resonances is a whole other ballgame. You must be very careful!

The last time I upgraded my CD damper, Ron sent a few different sized black dots for damping for me to try in my system.(Without definitive instructions where to place them) 
I feel that I know a lot more than most Audio hobbyists about the gains that can be realized when an Audio system/room is properly treated for rogue vibrations. But Ron’s materials that he advocates to use for this purpose, are much stronger and can be over effective when not used properly. I guess I should thank Ron because of the information his damping materials passed on to me.
I don’t want to bore you so I will pass this information to whoever dares to take their system to a new level using Marigo’s damping materials. 
I took four of the little dots that Ron sent me and placed them on the four corners of the main pc board of my amplifier.
I will tell you the results of doing this. The treble and the midrange frequencies were fine.
But the mid-bass and the bass frequencies were completely gone! FROM PUTTING FOUR LITTLE BLACK DOTS ON A PC BOARD! I COULDN’T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED!
My suggestions are to avoid this dilemma and to only perform one damping upgrade per every six weeks. If you try to add damping upgrades to your system more often, you won’t be able to properly identify the subtle nuances affecting each area that your system is generating.
Also, follow Ron’s Instructions about where to place his damping materials. But follow what I am telling you about waiting six weeks between damping attempts. No matter what Ron tells you.
Every system is different. Go slowly but surely. Don’t rush or I promise that you will be disappointed. Damping is more of an exercise of Art and patience. Go slowly and possibly you will discover new ways to bring your system to a level you never thought possible.
But give you ears time to adjust to the new vibrations(or lack of vibrations (colorations you weren’t aware of before you began this project) Take your time- don’t rush- and you may discover you already have the system that you always desired!
Good Luck!
Do the Marigo Audiolabs VTS Tuning Dots help with addressing mid-range glare? Has anyone used the VTS Tuning Dots to address mid-range glare? I know this thread is over 8 years old so I'm hoping users here have used these dots.

In my listening room about 2 feet behind me are windows with accordion type blinds that go up and down. I'm hoping to apply some of the dots to the windows to help combat the mid-range glare.

Thanks in advance.
Hi: I am using these dots for many years. I also had big windows and after application of the dots bachground noise became substantially reduced. Speakers, tubes, caps, resistors etc all benefit from the treatment. However, you must be careful - too much treatment overdump (deaden) sound. For window, one 20mm dot per corner will do fine. If in doubt call Ron Hendrich from Marigo but much better to experiment!!! Happy listening
work! I am currently reviewing these (as are two other aM writers) and we have all had extremly positive results.
I have thus far treated the speakers (drivers and baskets in Reimer Tetons), DAC chips and caps (transport only), tubes (preamp only), and window (large picture behind listener). I would say that the speaker and window dots have resulted in the greatest improvement, which is not to say the others did not. Just not to the same degree.
At the price, I would say these are the biggest bang for the buck in maximizing one's system! As a matter of fact treating the speakers made a nore significant (positive) affect to the music (openness and clarity) as opposed to cables, amps, etc.
I would not consider this a tweek, as it is something that should have been done by the manufacturer. Highly recommended, though YMMV.
Dave Clark