Marigo Audiolabs VTS Tuning Dots?????

Has anyone ever tried the VTS Dots resonance control devices made by Marigo? They come in a wide range of sizes designed to tame resonance in everything from windows to speaker cabinets to the chips in CD players. I'm especially interested in the window application as I've a 2 door glass slider making the majority of my left listening room wall! I hope they actually work!? Also, if anyone has been brave enough to risk warranty DQ and put them inside a digital front end I'd love to know the results. Thanks for the feedback, Dave ...Go PATS!!!

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

Do the Marigo Audiolabs VTS Tuning Dots help with addressing mid-range glare? Has anyone used the VTS Tuning Dots to address mid-range glare? I know this thread is over 8 years old so I'm hoping users here have used these dots.

In my listening room about 2 feet behind me are windows with accordion type blinds that go up and down. I'm hoping to apply some of the dots to the windows to help combat the mid-range glare.

Thanks in advance.