Mapleshade Single VS Double Helix Speaker Cable

Does anyone have direct experience with the actual sonic differences between these cables?
I have a well worn pair of Single Helix now.

Also, anyone have experience with their outfitting banana connectors on them? I must have that to fit my new Exposure amp.

I have compared the Clearview Double Helix to a selection of OFC Copper Cables I owned and the Mapleshades were chosen as the Cable
used on my Valve Amp > ESL 57’s Single or Stacked System for many years now .

The Mapleshades were also taken to a Comparison of Speaker Cables, where there were Speaker Cables from Transfiguration with a Value of approx’ £3000 in the Line Up to be demonstrated on a System with a EAR Valve Amp > Quad ESL 2912.
After all the Audition’s the final deliberation was between the Mapleshades and a Pure Silver Cable known as True Silver ? or True Signal ?
I was very happy with learning that my Speaker Cables presented in such a impressive way in another System, as well as stand out, when in the arena with much more esteemed products.
The Double Helix is a big step up from their standard speaker cable. Keep in mind that connectors impart their own sound on the cable and it's not a consistent sound at that. It varies. It's what drives most folk mad.

All the best,
I prefer the double, feel it is well worth the cost, and I think the plus is also worthwhile. Not tried the bananas, but very good experiences with Mapleshade customer service.