Mapleshade Samson rack: Opinions?

Hello, I'm looking into the Mapleshade Samson rack as it looks promising. I have played around with various maple platforms and have noticed sonic merits with various maple blocks so the rack makes sense to me. Have anyone used these and what are your opinions on them. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

I got a 5 shelf Samson about 3 months ago and couldn't be happier. Previously I had used a Target (glass and steel) and a Roomtunes (steel rods and particle board) racks and the Mapleshade is a definite step up for either. Sean is right in that the initial setup is a pain, but the shelves are infinitely adjustable and can be adjusted without removing your components. The Samson is not the last word in rack design and I can't say that it's better or worst than other competing products, but the Samson is a no B.S. product that works.