Mapleshade "CLEARVIEW DOUBLE HELIX" speaker cables

Dear Fellow Listeners,
I am seeking any input on Mapleshade Clearview Double Helix speaker wire. They make fantastic claims in their literature. Has anybody had personal experience with these, that would like to share their thoughts?

I will be connecting Magneplanar 1.6qr's to the Proceed amp2.

Thanking you in advance & Happy Listening,
Bennett (hififile)

Showing 1 response by del

I used the mapleshade speaker cables and think that Sean's comments are pretty accurate. I replaced them with DIY twisted TI cable that had been dry-iced and found the bass and soundstage and "presence" much better with the DIY cable. But, I was using them with ML SL3 speakers which need all the help they can get in the bass department. I would agree that the mapleshade's have a nice, "sweet" sound that is clear and almost airy, at least on my SL3's. As always, cables can be very system dependent and you should always try them out in your system before you make up your mind.