Mapleshade-Pierre Sprey

Interesting history of the brass and maple guy. Unfortunate passing.

I had the scary looking power cord, ribbon IC's(actually good) and expensive maple slabs-still in use, but just for appearance.

Showing 1 response by mrdecibel

Late to this very sad news. RIP Pierre. Met him several times and had a few conversations with him ( all about music ).1st time I met Pierre, I was the " demo guy " for the Jadis brand at the ’96 Stereophile show at the NY Waldorf. My buddy and a partner of his were the importers at the time. It was Friday early in the afternoon, and he approached me through the crowd, handing me 2 of his cds, asking me to play these during the 3 days. He was obviously selling his cd label, and they were, and are, excellent. ( A side note ). One of my demo tracks throughout the weekend ( cd only ) was track 5 of " The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking ", by Roger Waters. The Eurythmie designer ( Jacque something I think ), almost got us kicked out of the show. He tried to take over my job by wanting me to play this one track, over and over, and at ridiculously loud levels ( for a show ), that corresponding exhibitors were complaining to the hotel, and we were warned many times of being shut down. Anyway, Pierre was a very passionate and friendly guy. A good salesman as well. Again, RIP, and my condolences to his family.