I should have mentioned that I cannot test any of these DIY fixes - at least not yet. I'm still waiting on the speakers, interconnect, and power cord. I'm just trying to plan ahead so I can start enjoying the music ASAP.
I already have a prospective audio rack in mind, so I don't want to invest too much in a temporary fix (e.g. a flexy rack). I would also like to use my existing cabinet as the dimensions work well in my challenging space. I'm not familiar with 'V-Pads' or 'Herbies Audio De-Coupling Pads', but I will look into it. Any advice on where I should begin?
Actually, let me restate my needs. I need to isolate the following:
- DIY cabinet from the HW floor
- Int. Amp. from the CD Player
- Turntable from desk
Which product would be best for the respective isolation needs above? For instance, should I use the Herbie Pads to isolate the cabinet, the V-Pads to isolate the TT, and perhaps something else for the audio components? I would like to keep the total cost well under $50. I would also appreciate some recommendations on where to buy this stuff (in Canada).
Thanks again for all the feedback!
P.S. I'm a bit adverse to Bluetak as it has been known to remove the veneer from some speaker cabinets (even when using small amounts).