
Discussions jferreir has started

Speakers for Vintage Marantz ? Plus other Qs1744720
Floorstanding Speakers for Bluesy Rock 5-10k ?716714
Upgrade TecnoDec Feet?32321
Cartridge Setup - Where to buy tools?40309
Goldring vs. Ortofon - Thoughts?53362
Broken stylus - inexpensive solution?35114
System Placement Question30309
When does analog compete with digital?4150588
How to choose the proper cart?34372
Milty Zerostat - Questions1994830
Quick Cartridge Questions46365
Cart for Michell TecnoDec - Advice Needed ASAP30282
J.A. Mitchell TecnoDec vs. Clearaudio Emotion CMB1343513
Makeshift Isolation - Advice Needed65588
Power Strip Question - PLEASE HELP1777328