Maintaining a "Balanced" System Design?

After recently upgrading my phono stage, amp and preamp to all ARC, I have begun to explore speakers and have plans to listen to some Joseph Audio Perspectives in the coming week. 

However, in the process of talking with the dealer, it was suggested that I should upgrade my interconnects and speaker cabling. He has suggested all Stage III gear, which is almost as expensive as the JA speakers. 

My question is not to necessarily debate speakers or cables, but to instead hear some thoughts about not over-weighting one's system with a component that exceeds the rest of the gear. For instance, I realized that my current turntable/tonearm/cartridge combination deserved more than the $3k phono stage I had been using. So I moved up to an ARC and really noticed the difference. Of course that brought me to looking at amplification and I am sure everyone knows the story from here...

But, how do folks allocate or balance their systems?  I am pretty sure adding $15k of cables is more than makes sense, but maybe not?

Thanks to all who would like to share their philosophy and experiences. 


Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

@thr1961 ,

I can understand your dilemma. I was out of the audio loop for 30 years, until I had the funds to re-pursue my audiophile dream.

If I were you, I would try to find other Joseph Audio owners. Perhaps JA has a forum?

I own Vandersteen, and have come to learn there are certain combos that really work with those speakers. I would expect the same with Joseph Audio.

As far as cable go, I was a naysayer, but after listening to the newer Audioquest models, I was definitely a believer. Unfortunately, as you have discovered, this 'finer' listening came at a cost. So, my workaround is to buy the model or two below the newest model when they came up for sale used. Eventually, that 'new' model will be up for sale used, but at least I am buying it for 50% or so less.

Patience is a virtue...

A penny saved, is a penny earned...
