What happens with Hyperion Sound Design

Hyperion Sound Design, maker of my speakers, had been bankrupt for about 5 years.  Their old website existed with the same 2015 date.  Today I noticed new website design dated 2019.  Does anybody know what is happening?  New website still lists my HPS-938 speakers - good news if it's real (service!). 

They just updated their website too. Looks like they relaunched. Curious what their approach will be, they seem to have a solid product. Never heard them myself, but have been eyeing them for a few years. 
imith314  Thank you.  I noticed it.  I asked them about ferrofluid in midrange drivers and got no response.  I asked them again today.  Hopefully they will respond and provide support.  Fantastic product, but poor marketing and dealer base.  Pitty.