Mahler's Resurrection, Gilbert Kaplan/VPO recordin

Hello, Has anyone heard the recording of Mahler's 2nd symphony with Gilbert Kaplan and the Vienna philharmonic Orchestra for Deutsche Grammophone? Some reviewers say that it's a great performance and maybe the best sounding recording of this symphony.

By the way, can somebody explain me why the CD of this recording is more expensive than the hybrid SACD (which has CD, 2 channel SACD, and multichannel SACD layers)? It doesn't make sense to me!!! Do a search by 'Gilbert Kaplan' in the following link if you don't believe me:

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Showing 1 response by auaarons

Mahler fans can consider symphonies performed by Klaus Tennstedt and the London Philharmonic. I find Tennstedt's performances to have a correct balance of passion for life, bitterness, fright of death, melancholy, frustration, loss, and love.

Benjamin Zander's performances on the Telarc label have additional CDs where the conductor explains the background and technical aspects of the compositions, which function as great tools for learning Mahler's music.