Magnetic flux vibration damper?

Can you guys give me some input on using magnetic flux to dampen mechanical vibration associated with audio cables,ie: power, interconnect, speaker etc.? Could it not effectively counteract the influence sound waves have on the flow of electrons by concentrating them?
Douglas - I was just hoping to sell you two of these 9.4 Tesla MRI machines that my son-in-law is researching at UIC (I can get you a good discount). They are kind of large but this hobby requires some sacrifices.
I read once about IC sensitivity to vibration - specifically inexpensive Audioquest Topaz had been claimed to be "audible". I repeated test myself setting amp to max loudness and hitting cable with a pencil. It was audible in the speakers. There was no loose connections.

Sonoran Plateau uses steel armor on their cables.

Purist Audio uses fluid inside of interconnects.

Douglas - Earth magnetic field is very weak aprox. 0.00005 Tesla while strongest MRI is 9.4 Teslas.
I've Logged on to Virtual Dynamics Somec59 and read numerous articles and posts about cable dampening. I've never used or tried the various techniques or products offered. I prefer to hear some feedback before I venture any effort. I'll try almost anything once. Magnetic flux occurred to me because I remember Meridian experimenting with placing additional ring magnets on some of their tweeters way back when in an effort to speed them up and also make them more efficient with some success. Around the same time, I acquired some of the last ribbon tweeters that Radio Shack supplied and doubled up the bar magnets on them with great success. They became astonishingly "real sounding", however I blew them up with too much power. In my mind there's a connection between the increased sensitivity of the tweeters and a possible benefit to introducing magnetic flux pressure on signal flow. I'm seeking input on this question because first of all, if "nonothing" wasn't already taken as a user name, I might have jumped on it and secondly, my technical knowledge is very limited.
Virtual Dynamics is big on dampening and their website has some interesting Utube e-learning) videos on the topic
Magnets are used on some cables as RFI elimination devices, however, once that objective has been accomplished I don't see a great advantage in overkill. I personally use the largest magnetic field experienced by man - Earth. When I have my cables lying on the carpeting close to the Earth they do not vibrate much; the job is done. The electrons seem to be far less bunched up than when on cable risers at a distance from Earth. ;)

Personally, I do not see scientifically how attaching magnets with their magnetic field will still mechanical vibrations; all you'll get is vibration in a magnetic field. Has it been demonstrated that sound waves can impede the flow of electrons in cables? And if so, is it audible to the ear? Or is this soft science? I think manufacturers have had enough of a challenge to get single crystal OFC stranding, much less worry over electron pile-ups.

Now, if I had speaker cables attached to a machine which was shaking like a jackhammer, then maybe I'd worry about vibrational interference with sound.

Put enough weight on your ICs and you'll find out about another "vibration" of a different sort, the movement of a cable bending/damaging the terminals on your equipment. Audiophiles almost universally are not happy about heavy cables which yank on posts and terminals. ;)

But, if you must, carry on!
Where did you determine that the sound waves from your speakers would have a measurable effect on the signals in your wires? And couldn't you just solve at least some such wire-related problems with a wireless setup?

Is there any real science to this - are there any studies that show measurable and repeatable effects on audio cable electrical signal from sound waves? Or at least anything that humans could possibly hear? I think that the only time & place I'd ever seen or heard anything like that claimed was from a boutique audio shop where their "good" speaker cable went at ~$1,000 a foot - and the guy never even smirked when he said the price...

I guess I'm kinda stumped by this - and by your solution. Do you have magnetic wire materials in your ICs or speaker cables? I don't know how strong a magnetic field you'd need to immobilize something like teflon-coated copper but I'd have to believe that magnetic induction would likely be a more problematic issue if the cables were somehow vibrating in the magnetic flux fields you introduced.
I don't see the difficulty, Elizabeth. Remember I'm referring to cables. I was thinking along the lines of magnetically sheathing the cable with something like fridge magnet material which would remain flexible, however maybe not powerful enough to make a difference. In any case, the primary question is whether magnetic flux would be beneficial.
There really are only two kinds of people in the world, right Schipo? Me, I always take good advice.
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to dampen mechanical vibration the cheap a 20lb vinyl clad barbell plate on top of your gear.You can burn the candle at both ends after you finish listening start your exercise program.