Magnepan Sweet Spot

For the last year, I have been listening to my set of Magnepan Tympani IVs.  They are great at creating a wall of sound, and picked up substantial bass and detail when I acquired a Parasound A21.  However, I have failed to create the sweet spot I have experienced with other maggies I have owned.  Between this failure and the size of the Tympanis, I am considering selling them and looking at other Magnepan models to achieve the sweet spot. I have always loved the Magnepan clarity and detail, and do not need thumping bass.

The current Tympani arrangement has them at one end of a 22x12 room (12' wall behind them).  If I change them out, I think I will rotate the setup, so that the listening chair will be at one end of the 12' wall and the speakers 3' - 5' away from the other wall.

Given this setup, which of the Magnepan line should I consider to achieve that sweet spot??  I have MMGs but would probably get the LRS if I chose that size speaker. 

Heresy though it may be, if I turned away from the Maggies, what speakers would achieve similar results for about $2500 used?


Showing 2 responses by tomcarr

Cover up the TV or get rid of it. Also no rack of gear between the speakers. Otherwise, you'll never have the solid center image you are wanting. I am speaking from experience. My Sig IIs are in a dedicated room, with treatment, no TV, no rack. 
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II. Properly set up, maybe some treatments at first reflection points, will give you a phenomenal soundstage and solid imaging.