Magnepan MMG's just arrived

I took advantage of Magnepan's 60-day trial offer on a new
pair of MMG's ($550 plus shipping) and am, so far, impressed with what I'm hearing! I'm using my old faithful
Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp and an NHT SW-3 sub.
Any MMG owners out there with an opinion of how long it takes to break these in? What amps are you guys using?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I have had good luck with an Anthem MCA-2 series 1 for a mere $400. Gives you 200 watts at 8ohms or of course more for the 4ohm maggies. I have had good luck with Rotel amps too, but the Anthem was better with the mmg's.

The FIRST thing you should do is take off the panel on the back and wire out the fuse with a soldering iron--you may want to wait until after the 60 days as it will void the return policy. The fuse is there to blow if the speaker is driven at high volumes for a long period of time to prevent the voice coil wire from getting too hot and melting though the milar film. I have had maggies for 8 years and never blew a REALLY enhances the imaging. I have removed the fuses on my MMG's, SMGa's, and MG-III's with no problems.

Also, crossover upgrades on the mmg's make a big difference. I replaced the caps with Multicaps for $18 each. Great improvement and easy. I also replaced the inductors with air core units. This was harder, but also valuable. My experience with replacing crossover components on my MG-III's suggests replacing the inductors should be done with the caps.

These are good suggestions for upgrades once you decide to keep them. I think the MMG's are an astonishingly good speaker for the money, particularly if you buy them used and spend the $175 on crossover upgrades.
I bought the MMG's for a friend along with the NAD C370 which drives them easily and sounds very, very good. Although she doesn't play the system as much as some audiofools, she has it on quite a bit, and it still took the Maggies a long time to break in. They were still improving at 6 months to my ear. The NAD/MMG combo is one of the best bangs for the buck in audio, AFAIC.
I've had my MMG's for about two months with about 100 hours on them so far. They are still improving.

I'm going to wait until the trade-in period is over before I do any mods but I did just build some stands to replace the stock ones. Getting them off the ground and standing them straight up was very beneficial.

Great speaker.

I'm using:
Classe ca-100 ss amp
Bottlehead Foreplay preamp
I used to sell Maggies.
Jim Whiney told me, that if I didn't play the (back then) SMGa's for everyone who came into my store, that I was making the biggest mistake I would ever make in audio.
He was right.
I remember sitting up late at night, with them sitting about five feet or less, from me, toed in at almost 45 degrees. You see it now...right?
Gigantic headphones!!!
They were magic.
I sold a lot of people systems, based on the Maggies.
My shop was in a Yuppie neighborhood, and lots of young attorneys, and other young business people came in to the store.
One day I sold a pair to a tall young lady; pretty, and very intelligent. She was an attorney, who later became a judge. So when someone says that (in an earlier post) about wives and maggies I take a small exception to it. Women loved and I am sure love, the way they sound. That lack of hash in the upper frequencies. Wow!
Good luck with your new pair. You are a Maggie owner for life probably.
I hope your quest for break in is going well,
I just recieved my MMG,s and have to go thru the same.
My kora Cosmo,s Mono sure feel a little on the wimpy side
thru these compared to the Soliloquy 5.0 they might replace. I told my wife Damn I thought 100 watts was plenty, and she asked me for my Visa. Go figure....
Have fun and let us know how it si going.
