Magnepan MMG's just arrived

I took advantage of Magnepan's 60-day trial offer on a new
pair of MMG's ($550 plus shipping) and am, so far, impressed with what I'm hearing! I'm using my old faithful
Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp and an NHT SW-3 sub.
Any MMG owners out there with an opinion of how long it takes to break these in? What amps are you guys using?
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I bought the MMG's for a friend along with the NAD C370 which drives them easily and sounds very, very good. Although she doesn't play the system as much as some audiofools, she has it on quite a bit, and it still took the Maggies a long time to break in. They were still improving at 6 months to my ear. The NAD/MMG combo is one of the best bangs for the buck in audio, AFAIC.