Magnepan MMG's just arrived

I took advantage of Magnepan's 60-day trial offer on a new
pair of MMG's ($550 plus shipping) and am, so far, impressed with what I'm hearing! I'm using my old faithful
Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp and an NHT SW-3 sub.
Any MMG owners out there with an opinion of how long it takes to break these in? What amps are you guys using?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43

Showing 2 responses by synjohn

I hope your quest for break in is going well,
I just recieved my MMG,s and have to go thru the same.
My kora Cosmo,s Mono sure feel a little on the wimpy side
thru these compared to the Soliloquy 5.0 they might replace. I told my wife Damn I thought 100 watts was plenty, and she asked me for my Visa. Go figure....
Have fun and let us know how it si going.

After a months use in my small room I can say a solid 100W
is PLENTY. I have not been able to push beyond about 1/3
volume yet. Just please be patient with break in. They REALLY DO NEED IT. also good stands are a must.