Magico V2 vs. Q1

I currently own a V2 - is it worth upgrading to Q1?
Charyro, do you mean from a sonic perspective, a profit perspective, or both? I wonder at this point which design has more sold units. There are quite a few Mini 1 and Mini 2 out there. If what you refer to is a sonic improvement, how would you describe the difference? Thanks.
sonic improvement:
- more transparent in particular in medium (probably because of less cabinet resonance)
- smoother tweeter
- more bass extension
- gives more the impression to listen to a "big" speaker. Don't know why: maybe bass extension or maybe because of broader image.
Don't get me wrong, the Mini 2 is great, but when I compared it with Q1 in same room I realized that the improvement with the Q1 is bigger than what I expected
Hi Peter - I have no idea of what Magico's profit margin is for the Q1 over the Mini, but I do know the Q1's cabinet is extremely expensive to manufacture, especially compared to the S5 and the upcoming S1. To me, the Q1s are more coherent and deliver more information at lower levels than the Minis. This may or may not be important to an individual listener, depending on the type of music you listen to and how loud you want to play.
Stereotaipei and Chayro, Thank you for your descriptions. I hope to hear the Q1 at some point. I love the Q3 having heard it at my local dealer, but it may be too big for my room. Perhaps someday Magico will come out with a Q2.
Hey, Ebm, there are three Q7s for sale. Can your floors support them? I've heard them and they are excellent.

I appreciate your posts and your system very much - great sounding gear, very well balanced comments.

To support you in your quest for an edge-of-the-art speaker as a (nice) alternative to Magico I highly recommend Lumen White Artisan and Aquilla speakers.

I myself use LW Artisan in an all AYON Audio System (CD-5s + Crossfire PA wired with JPS Labs and Stereovox cables) and the Aquillas in my main system (Ayre MR-X, Silbatone L-100, Esoteric K-01, wired with either Kondo or Crystal Cable).

Prior to the Artisans I used Magico Q3 and the Artisans easily outperformed them in almost every parameter. The Aquillas are even better (replacing a pair of Rockport speakers). So probably worth looking at them - although they love tube amplification.