Magico Mini 2

I've been listening to the same set up for a 6-7 years now and been fairly happy till recently, when I saw a pair of Magico Mini 2 at a used dealer.  I am of course very curious about these speakers as they were unobtainable back when they were released.

My present system are listed below.  For music, I value musicality, timbre and staging, listening mostly to vocals and small jazz groups. Nothing too loud in a small 12x18 ft listening room

Esoteric K05x with Cybershaft clock
Aurender S10 
Acuphase E450 
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor 
Mixture of Acrolink and Shunyata cables with a Hydra conditioner

My questions are
-  Is the Magico Mini 2 still relevant and one of the best out there?  AT USD12K used, it isn't exactly cheap but certainly a price I can buy into to try the Magico sound.
-  Understand that its a power hungry speakers and I'll likely need to switch my amp as well eventually... are there any intergrates options out there that you can suggests?
- Not all standmounts are the same and while my auditors work well in my smallish room, can anyone advise if this will be a problem?  Changing the room is not an option ;)

Thank you for taking your time to read this and please offer your thoughts and advise, especially former/present Mini 2 owners. 

I have never heard the Minis but only know them by reputation.
I have heard the Fritz Carrara BEs and know them to be extremely musical and relatively easy to drive. That latter point is quite critical.
Surely, to get the most out of Minis, you must match them with very high end amp and front end. When I heard the Fritz speakers it was with a modest system. I think that a speaker in the Mini price range which is one of the best is the TAD. I have only heard the large TADs but, from all the great press and user comments, those small monitors should be considered. 
We don't have Fritz speakers here but we have TAD :)  Have made an appointment for audition next week
Hi - I have heard the Mini2 in a very good setup and almost bought them but didn’t pull the trigger. First I think they look superb, even though they’re fairly hefty and take as much space as a good size floorstander. The design and build quality are first rate.
Soundwise, they have real qualities notably refinement and purity, without being perhaps as ruthlessly revealing as the subsequent Q series (the Q1 can be extraordinary). However, to my ears, they sounded too controlled to let music really flow (a consistent magico issue IMO), and despite being driven by serious amplification, sounded almost underpowered. They sure didn’t rock or let them hair down at all. On classical chamber music they might be fantastic but my musical diet is richer than that. If you like the warmth of your SF, I’d say exercise caution and perhaps consider other brands than Magico. How about a used pair of SF Extrema...?!