Magico A series vs YG Peaks series and Accuphase Integrated

Family room setting, speakers along 25' long wall, front wall to back wall is 15', ceiling 20'.

I had a wonderful Conrad Johnson CAV 45 integrated (tubes, 60 wpc) with acceptable sources (McIntosh SACD, MR78 tuner, Aurender) into Sonus Faber Maxima Amator. Any genre of music, all the time, moderate volume ( +/- 60 db?). Very pleasant, very pleased.

"Any" genre includes rock (Pink Floyd, Rush) and at any volume - nice but not wow.  Especially missed the details of the Pink Floyd TV show dubs, for example. I didn't hear "more cow bell" kind of rock (and I didn't expect to). Moved the whole system into the 12x14 office where it's wonderfully playing into Harbeths.

Now the family room is Accuphase E-5000 (320w A/B), DP-570 SACD, T-1200 tuner, Bricasti M5 streamer (into the DP-570's DAC). With the SF Maxima Amator, it's still very nice, but missing the details as well as any slam. Of course, I still want my jazz trio, chamber music, solo piano to be wonderful.   

Thinking of Magico A5 or YG Acoustics Summit (or Ascent) heading into AXPONA. I've read various discussions here (and appreciate all of those contributions!) but wonder if anyone has advice or counsel before show season. Thanks very much.





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I’d encourage you to visit the Joseph Audio, ProAc, and Vandersteen rooms.  Gershman is a sleeper that always impresses me and also well worth a visit. 

The Magico A5 is a class leading loudspeaker but very amp sensitive. Japanese made amps are generally not known for "Bass Slam" I would try Gryphon/McIntosh or even Krell despite recent company issues.

our room is acoustically larg neither loudspeaker is ideal for that space 


you would be better off with a set of legacy focus or Aeris 


far better bass and  slam then either Magico or YG


dave land Troy

audio intellect NJ

legacy dealers

@OP The Maxima Amators are never going to be "rock" speakers. But at the same time, you don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater for the other genres you listen to. If you have a good SF dealer, try to get a listen to a pair of Amatis in your system. They will deliver much bigger scale and are an excellent all rounder.