Made first sale and don't know how to get paid

Hello, looking for some help on how to collect after I accepted an offer. I listed an cartridge, got an offer, and accepted it. I selected to be paid with paypal when listing. Can anyone tell me how I get money from the bidder? The only information I have so far is that Audiogon wants me to pay the fee for the money I have yet to receive. Please help.


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Do you already have a verified PayPal account?  If you do, you can do it 2 ways, you can send him an invoice via PayPal or give him your PayPal account name and have him make a payment to that account. 

If you have not received payment, then you ought not to have to pay Audiogon, unless or until that happens. I just sold an item on Audiogon and THEY told ME not to list the item as sold until after I got paid. So perhaps you listed your item as sold before receiving payment.  Just explain to Audiogon what's going on.  Possibly you are being stiffed by the putative buyer. It happens. Obviously don't ship until you are paid in full.  Any buyer should understand that necessity.