Mad Scientist Prime USB Cable

Took a chance and ordered a Mad Scientist Prime to demo. I have tried The Top of Line Network Acoustics and also the Shunyata Omega USB. Both of these were good cables. Then I tried the Prime. It is significantly better in my system. An amazing cable.


Showing 2 responses by bluethinker

@dolfan - I’m currently considering a new USB cable to use with an Innuos reclocker. Could you share a bit more about your impressions of the Mad Scientist Prime USB cable? What were the areas of improvement in your system compared to the other cables you mentioned? 

@audphile1 - Thanks for your recommendation on the Stealth USB. I'd made a mental note, from an older forum post, that you impressed with the Front Row USB cable. I'll do more research on the Stealth cable. It looks like they are made in the USA, correct?