Mad Scientist Prime USB Cable

Took a chance and ordered a Mad Scientist Prime to demo. I have tried The Top of Line Network Acoustics and also the Shunyata Omega USB. Both of these were good cables. Then I tried the Prime. It is significantly better in my system. An amazing cable.


Showing 2 responses by audphile1

Haven’t tried the Mad Scientist USB but just completed a comparison of several USB cables against my current AQ Diamond - Nordost Tyr 2, Audience FrontRow, Stealth. I used each cable for a period of 48-72hrs to make certain everything including my ears had settled.
It’s mind blowing the difference between USB cables. In my system Stealth came out on top. It is the easiest, most relaxed and most natural and fatigue free USB cable I heard to date. It does everything equally well including resolution, details with outstanding bass and soundstage.

I read a lot of good things about the Mad Scientist cable but decided to plsynit safe and not risk it with the Mad Scientist given its price and pain of shipping it back in the event it doesn’t gel here.

Enjoy your new cable!

@bluethinker put Stealth on your list.

@bluethinker yes Stealth is made in MD.
I used to own the older Aufience AU24se+ USB cable and the latest StudioOne and the sound signature of both of these cables is warm, full, natural, big but somewhat slightly loose bass with vibrant mids. The newest FrontRow USB (standard, not the Reserve version), to me, is a deviation from the Audience house sound. It is thinner sounding with greater emphasis on details. After a day with it I realized I was reaching for the remote control to lower the volume midway thru the song. Had high hopes and expectations for the Audience.
I love the FrontRow speaker cables though as they’re fabulous in my system.
When I read up more about the FrontRow line I discovered that Audience hired an ex Synergistic Research designer and he designed the FrontRow line. That kind of explains the new sound but I think it’s just a synergy issue in my system that is the reason why it didn’t work out for me. So…we can throw the confirmation bias out the window with this test.