So just an update for everyone, I got my 2 cartridges back from Andy Kim at the needle clinic. He wasn't cheaper, it was actually more expensive than Soundsmith. He quoted me $500 USD for the Delos and $400 for the Benz for what I thought was going to be just a stylus on the Delos and a cantilever and stylus on the Benz. I went with it anyway because of the quick turnaround. Well I should have been more patient and gone with Soundsmith. Firstly it looks like the Delos had a cantilever and stylus put on contrary to my instructions. Second, one channel is not working at all now. Thirdly, the Benz is now out of phase. Fourthly after messing with the Benz for about 2 hours trying to get the phase right and listening, it looks like the suspension is collapsing. I'm pretty upset to say the least.
Andy's initial response was "it must be a problem with my system" with regards to the Delos and nothing with regards to the Benz. Then he suggested I measure the Delos with on ohmeter. I thought I read somewhere that if you do that you can fry the coils? Now he is saying for me to send them back and IF there is something wrong he will fix it and refund my shipping. Trouble is I've lost all faith in the guy, what if he broke the Delos beyond repair? I'm leaning toward trying to recoup my money and sending to Soundsmith.
What are you guys thinking would be the best route? Heads up I have a very busy weekend so may not be to quick to respond.