Lyngdorf TDAI 3400 Bluetooth Question


I took my new shining TDAI-3400 out of the box about a week ago. Dose anyone know how to access the Bluetooth function on it?

Did you manage to find the amp in the bluetooth list? I wrote Lyngdorf as well but didn't get their reply as of yet. I wonder, why you don't use it anymore? 

I used to have a unit and had trouble connecting too. At the time (about 9 months ago), I emailed support and they said it was a problem with the software and would be addressed in a future update. Perhaps that issue still hasn't been addressed...

Thanks for your reply. The dificulty I have is that I don't see the TDAI 3400 on my phones list of bluetooth devices. There is no pairing button on thecamp and it only mentioned in the manual, in the specs section. No where els... 


'PAIRING' has to be done to connect BT items together. look for the pairing button. usually one holds it down and usually a light comes on then pairing is possible.

was there an owners guide included? if not, Gooogle for their support body and give them a jingle.

good luck.