Luxman M-900U, UV Meter

Dear Luxman M-900U Owner,

Have you ever have issue with UV meter by the needles stop working?

I need open case, but I know how to open on the Top Cover since I did not see any screws .  Open from bottom Amply ? Any suggestion, please advise.



That amp deserves many years of love, but it's not necessarily a bad meter, it could be the driving circuitry.  I'm sure your dealer has pointed you in the right direction though. 

Thanks for help erik_squires. 

I ordered uv meter from dealer and will repair shop to replace them.

Yes, as I guess this unit will open from bottom. 

I love this luxman m-900u that why I want to repair and it for years. 

It’s probably a simple fix, but if you don’t know how to open the case, I’m really worried you don’t know what you’ll be looking at once you are inside.  It is unlikely the issue will be visible.  You won't see a burned out part to replace or broken wire.  More likely a voltage regulator or other little component has opened up and will require a technician who knows what to measure and where.

If it’s like my Luxman integrated then the bottom panel is the first thing you should remove, and then the side rails, but really if you aren’t sure give this to a repair person. For them it’s probably a quick fix.