Luxman M-700U Power amp

Hi guys,

Has anyone had any experiences with the Luxman M-700 U power amp? especially using it with a non Luxman Pre Amp. I have a Primaluna Evo 300 Pre-amp with a Primaluna Evo 400 Power amp that I love and will be keeping, I have always thought about running a solid state power amp with a Valve pre-amp and have the chance of a Luxman M-700U for a good price. I have read some very good views of the Luxman C-700U pre amp with the Luxman M-700U power amp, but nothing about just the power Amp

Any thought’s




Showing 1 response by celtic66

Courage.  No experience with that piece, but having owned many Luxman pieces over three decades with nary a glitch or regret. how could you really miss?  That piece is post Alpine dumpster fire or whoever owned them for a while, Made in Japan and looks to be a proper piece of kit.  Enjoy the Luxman ride.