Oh no here we go again . . .
On a different--personal--note, I'd like to say that I'm no longer a dummy regarding voltage/transformer in my initial posting. At the time, I thought Japan was 220 like Europe, but I was relieved to learn just before my purchase that the transformer converts down from 117-100. I can confirm what Renjy651 says about the consistent, clean power offered by the transformer. I've really enjoyed reading the discussions comparing the L505u to the L507u. Fortunately, it will be a long time before I feel a need to upgrade from the 505u--I'm going to concentrate on building around it!
On a different--personal--note, I'd like to say that I'm no longer a dummy regarding voltage/transformer in my initial posting. At the time, I thought Japan was 220 like Europe, but I was relieved to learn just before my purchase that the transformer converts down from 117-100. I can confirm what Renjy651 says about the consistent, clean power offered by the transformer. I've really enjoyed reading the discussions comparing the L505u to the L507u. Fortunately, it will be a long time before I feel a need to upgrade from the 505u--I'm going to concentrate on building around it!